Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Little Inspiration

I know I haven't been posting lately and I've been missing it dearly! My goal for fall is to start my little pink posts again, so I thought sharing these inspiring words I found on Pinterest would be a great way to kick it off.

With a new & (my) favorite season starting up, it's the perfect time to set some new goals to finish out the end of the year feeling good about all you've accomplished in 2012.

Your greatest power is the power to be.

To be more Loving.
To be more Courageous.
To be more Joyous.
To be more Friendly.
To be more Sensitive.
To be more Aware.
To be more Forgiving.
To be more Tolerant.
To be more Humble.
To be more Patient.
To be more Helpful.

To be a Greater Human Being.
