Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Holiday Baking

My sister and I have gotten together a couple times now to do some holiday baking and I thought I would share two of the delicious cookie recipes we have done (in addition to several batches of People Chow!)

First, we tried something new, Peppermint Brownie Sandwiches. My sister found this recipe on a blog, which I can't find at the moment, so when I do, I will post it in the comments section below. Basically, you mix up some extra fudgey brownie mix, place it on a cookie sheet (like you would cookie dough), and bake at 350 for about 10 minutes (I believe). Crush up peppermints (we placed them in a ziplock bag & beat them up with a hammer - haha). Then you can either: 1) mix the peppermint in with the vanilla frosting (like we did) or 2) assemble the sandwich with two brownie cookies and vanilla icing in the middle, squish together & roll the edges in peppermint. Enjoy!

And then, Snickerdoodles!, my all time favorite. We used to make these all the time, but it had been awhile, so we pulled out my mom's old recipe and got to work. Since we both had a very distinct idea of what a snickerdoodle should look and taste like - crackled cinnamon & sugar on top with plenty of flavor - we tried three different ways until we got it just right!

Follow the Snickerdoodle Recipe and you will get a delicious cookie. If you are interested in our little tweak, keep reading!

Instead of rolling the dough into a ball and then rolling it in the cinnamon sugar recipe... Dip the bottom in the cinnamon & sugar mixture, place on cookie sheet, push down on the middle with your thumb & sprinkle generously with cinnamon & sugar. Viola!


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