Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sevenly: Do Good

Today, I discovered an awesome organization called Sevenly and just knew I had to share it with you guys. Sevenly teams up with different companies every week and designs a T-Shirt for a cause. For every shirt they sell, they donate $7 to the company of the week. The shirts are only available for one week and cost $22. On their site you can; watch a video about the company of the week, see the shirt designs, their goal of how much they'd like to raise & where they are currently and how many days are left until the shirt is gone.

This week they have teamed up with Cloths4Souls:

If you buy their shirt at, you will cloth 7 kids in Bolivia. Isn't that awesome? And like they said in the video, even if you can't buy a shirt this week... donate some of those clothes stuffed in drawers & thrown in the back of your closet.

Raise Awareness, Share the Word, Change the World!

"Be the Change you Wish to See in the World" - Mahatma Gandhi


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