Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I haven't written in a few days, mostly due to the fact that I have been extremely busy, so I am sorry. Today is no exception, but I did come across a quote that I love so much that I just had to share. Take it to heart, and think about it. Because everything it says is complete true. I hope you all had a fantastic Tuesday!

This is Your Life.
Do What You LOVE,
and Do It Often.
If you don't like something, Change it.
If you don't like your job, Quit.
If you don't have enough time, stop watching TV.
If you are looking for the love of your life, stop;
They will be waiting for you when you start doing the things you Love.
Stop Over Analyzing,
Life is Simple.
All Emotions are Beautiful.
When you eat, Appreciate Every. Last. Bite. (and HELP those who can't)
Open your Mind, Arms, and Heart to New Things and People,
We are United in our Differences.
Ask the Next Person you see what Their Passion is,
and Share your Inspiring Dream with Them.
Travel Often;
Getting Lost will Help you Find Yourself (very true.)
Some Opportunities only come Once, SEIZE them.
Life is About the People you meet and the things You Create With Them.
So Go Out and Start CREATING.
Life is Short.
and always, always ALWAYS... WEAR YOUR PASSION.


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